Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Getting this food thing down

Kate is really getting the hang of the whole eating thing. She actually looks hungry when she eats now which means, well, she's figured out it's food.

Now that she's almost 6 months and her tummy is growing up, we stopped her acid reflux meds without any big to-do. Couldn't even tell she wasn't on them anymore. And, I've had the occasional serving of cheese without notice. Next up, beans! We'll see how it goes! I'm excited to get to start to resume my normal diet.

While I'm excited she's getting big and can eat sitting up, the whole other end of things is just gross. Her normal non-smelly poops are gone and in their place is a bunch of solid nastiness. I know you were just dying to hear that. But I was so used to not noticing if she pooped that it was a little startling to smell the thing from a mile away. All part of growing up I guess...

The good news is that good naps also seem to be part of growing up. She went down for two long naps today without me doing anything besides sitting beside her as she fell asleep. Tomorrow I might be daring and try to let her fall asleep alone!

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