Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I guess it's technically a "midwife" appointment

We saw the doctor yesterday. Well, he's a midwife. Or, a midhusband or something. CMW. There. He is also, apparently, and auctioneer. It was a whirlwind. I left totally overwhelmed and (I'm blaming the hormones and massive blood loss for this one) cried when I got home after snapping at Daddy P. What a FUN day!!

He was nice, despite his rapid-fire speech and his lecture against circumcision. I liked his hippy ways, and he answered all our questions with knowledgeable seeming answers. Although he did tell me that I shouldn't keep running, which I am considering ignoring. Something about the placenta coming detached... Hm... (Moms? Help me out.) We have our next appt. in two weeks so we have time to formulate more questions and get more information.

But, I am indeed pregnant. So, there's a shocker. (Thank God. There is nothing in WebMD to explain my cluster of symptoms OTHER than pregnancy so I would have been a medical miracle or something. Adam probably would have dissected me and found his medical fortune with the whole thing.)

For those of you constantly asking ;) I'm fine. Specific appetite, some nausea, total exhaustion, but plugging along. Daddy P has been the sweetest husband on earth. Cooking to my whims (or really, lack thereof), letting me whine and complain all the time, and just generally doing little special things here and there to make my life easier. Awww... !

That's that! We'll keep you posted!

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