Sunday, March 9, 2008

Entering Week 8

I think we're entering week 8. I must admit I find this whole week system a bit confusing. The first two weeks are fake -- the baby doesn't even exist yet. Then, the doctor tells me I'm "6 weeks 3 days" but the book says that is really "week 7" so... whatever. The baby's a blueberry this week. It sounds small, but my body's doing some weird crazy things to make room for that little blueberry. The stomach twinges in my body are downright eerie. The book says that these those twinges are really my muscles getting ready to separate and move to make way for a bowling ball. Whatever it is it's the creepiest thing. I'm not good with weird creepy asymmetric twinges, and this isn't something I'm really enjoying. But, it's one of the many sacrifices I get to now lament as a mother to be.

So far the best part of pregnancy is getting to demand whatever dinner I want. (Sh, don't tell Daddy P.) To my credit, the idea of ground beef in pasta makes my stomach lurch, so this isn't a fabricated aspect of the pregnancy. It's real. But can also be convenient. I see a lot of pizza dinners in our future, I'll say that much. So far dairy has been one of the few things that has consistently sounded yummy. (Oh goat cheese! How can I live without you for 9 months??)

Daddy P's been the best hubby in the whole wide world. Cooking to my whims, pitching in with chores so I can squeeze in a nap, and hitting me in the uterus with the racquetball when we play. Oh wait, that last one should be on the "bad" list.

We've been living our same old uneventful lives though! We went to see "In Bruges" last night for date night. (Gory, odd, but well done. Colin Farrel (sp?) made the movie. He was very awesome.) Not much that's too exciting and cool... :) Thanks for reading...!

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