Friday, June 24, 2011

Still waiting

I'm not ignoring anyone.  But, I will admit, I'm getting tired of giving "we're just waiting" updates.  You people have no faith that I will make sure you are notified in some form when this actually happens, despite years of proof that I know how to email, text, phone, blog, and facebook.

I'm one week late.  This week has been busy!  Some highlights:

- I stopped working on Wednesday (unless book-keeping and supervision count as working... nah...)
- Got my license in the mail to make my office look official!
- Bought a used Mazda5 from a very nice visiting professor who is leaving the country.  Kate loves loves loves it.  For now she insists on sitting in the back, but we've told her when the baby comes she'll be moving up to the middle so we have more trunk space.
- Our good friends got engaged (yay!).  When I tried to explain this to Kate, I must have left out some important details.  The explanation I mustered was something like, "When you love someone very much and want to spend most of your time with them you marry them."  Kate said in response, "I want to be married."  I told her that maybe someday she'd find someone she loved very much to marry.  She then said that she was going to marry Nana and Papa because she liked them a lot.  So, yeah, I obviously need to work on my explanations.
- Kate has given birth to her horsey about six times a day.  "Mama, he's dropping out!  We're going to the hospital!" is a frequent refrain in our home.
- We effectively have thwarted the mockingbirds in our yard from eating our strawberries and tomatos through a combination of an American flag banner, a strange neon flag, and a fake owl that Daddy P and Kate move around frequently.
- Found a nanny!  It took me about four to five months to find one when we were looking for one for Kate, and Daddy P somehow did it in two weeks.  He totally sucks, but I'm glad he managed it because I am so relieved that we'll have someone we trust to watch the bugger.

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