Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Step 1 Complete

Well, we are home.

The long and short of it.

I was 2 cm dialated.  My midwife compared my cervix to a ripe peach which apparently is a very good thing.  She said that she would guess I'd end up in the hospital tonight and not make it until morning.  Crazy! 

What I've learned about foley bulbs:
- they aren't well known because it's just a catheter and no company has figured out how to make money selling them.  My midwife says that drug companies can't sell it so no one hears about them.  :)
- you get a tube stuck in you and then the bulb at the end is filled with water.
- this process doesn't feel particularly great, and the baby doesn't like the crowding.
- using a Foley Bulb feels like those intense menstral cramps that Advil doesn't help.  Not that I can have Advil... but I will be trying Tylenol tonight and they said I could take Benedryl to help me sleep.
- It falls out when I hit 4 cm. 
- At that point I just hang out at home until a) I go into labor, or b) We go to the hospital at 7am for the next steps.

So, now I'm just chilling on the couch with my heating pad and watching Project Runway. 

Kate's going to the Grandparents' house for tonight since our appointment is at 7am.  We're sad because we'll miss her but it seemed to make more sense than having anyone's sleep interrupted early... 

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