Sunday, February 22, 2009

T = 4

Not much new on the hair front...

After a crazy week of getting up at odd hours, some seriously unhappy tummy problems (thanks to my soy consumption), Kate slept through the night and we are feeling better. Until this whole breastfeeding thing, I always thought soy was great. All the milk bashers always said how soy gives you the same protein, is better for you, yada yada. Well, after Kate (and I) had digestive problems from starting to substitute soy, I was sure it was a fluke. But time and time again, when I add soy back in, it wrecks havoc on everything. A google search provided me with reassurance that I am not alone, and that soy isn't the miracle that Whole Foods would make us think it is... we are going to try adding some milk back in to my diet this week and see how it goes. At least enough for a latte here and there...

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