Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daddy Flying Solo

Next week we are going to Chicago, but we are going in two stages. Daddy P and Kate come up a few days after I go. I have been charged with the task of carrying most of what we will need for the weekend away so that Daddy P can just lug on a carry-on, Kate, stroller and carseat, and whatever else he chooses. Packing this weekend is going to be a trip in and of itself I think! This is only our second flight with Kate, and I'm glad that Daddy P is the one managing her. He has a much cooler, calmer head, and seems fairly unaffected by traveling with the ity bity one.

In the meantime, we are planning on getting Kate used to her new portable "crib" which is really more of a tent. I have started putting her in it when she's awake just to get used to it, and tomorrow we shall start putting her in it for naps. I figure I'd rather risk ruining a nap than a whole night sleep, so we'll start small. I'm sure she'll be fine as long as she has her beloved horsey with her.

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