Thursday, February 5, 2009

4 Month Update

Baby Kate's stats for the month:

14 lbs. 3 oz. (about 70th percentile)
23 3/4 in. (50th percentile)
head is about 10th percentile

The doctor confirmed that she is drooling, rolling over, and standing ahead of schedule. She's one tough little cookie. Other good news: he upped her GERD medicine since she weighs more, which is AWESOME because the past two weeks we have been living like we did before we started the medicine: tons of spitting up, in pain while eating (twisting, turning) and after (trying to get her burps out without any luck). Hopefully this will put us on a good eating plan...

Since she's gaining weight so well, the doctor said that if she's not taking a bottle (which she still isn't...) that we can just skip feedings until she does. Sounds tortuous to me but it might take that...

He also is encouraging us to start her on solid food. I have been dreading this because of the extra work and mess involved. But he thinks it will help with her GERD and just get her adjusting to her new life as a big girl. I think we agreed to give it a couple more weeks until she can sit in her Bumbo with more stability so that it will be easier to feed her. This is really just me rationalizing why I don't have to start buying/preparing/cleaning up rice cereal and the like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

solid food! I am missing so much!! she is growing up too fast. I am so glad W and I are coming down next weekend.