Tuesday, August 5, 2008

And what has the thumb done for you, you ask?

Made me dinner. Yum! Daddy P took full advantage of his new range of motion. He is quite excited, needless to say. I decided to spare you pictures of his indescribably yucky hand.

Instead, more on mother skills! My newest cupcake venture included fondant! It was tricky, and I need a lot more practice, but they turned out pretty cute...

Our friend Melissa has connected us with a doula in Austin that she knows. I hadn't ever thought of using a doula before. But today, I started thinking. You hire a wedding organizer to make sure that your wedding goes well, and what's on the line for THAT event? Your train being carefully placed behind you? Your make-up looking good? I mean, this is way more important -- uh, human LIFE people! -- so why wouldn't I pay someone to tell me what is supposed to happen next and how the heck to make my back hurt less.

Daddy P spent the evening researching doulas on-line. The research he found isn't really very rigorous, but there does seem to be a correlation between doulas and shorter labor, less use of epidurals, breastfeeding, etc. It all started out as me looking for a massage, and now we might have a doula! Sounds good to me! (Thanks, Melissa!)

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