Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Internet down...

Sorry for the silence... we still have no internet. Currently camped out at the good ole DQ to highjack their internet...

More soon...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Nursery painting complete

Today we put the finishing touches on painting.

Meanwhile, crib troubles. We have a great chair, which is good, because that might be the only furniture in the nursery. We can't find our crib anywhere in any Target in Texas. So, we're facing the dilemma of spending a fortune to have Target ship it, or pick one from somewhere else. Blah.

But, here is a peek at our painting. We are going to put yellow and white stars up on the wall (that's the current plan at least) so we'll keep you posted on how that looks.

Oh, and the new tummy pic is up.

On this day, the 24th day of August 2008

Little baby Kate is 31 weeks old.


Before we get to the meat of the matter, we'd like to formally apologize for not giving Uncle Chickens sufficient credit on this name disclosure matter.

That said...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

It is with great joy that I announce...

The absolute winner is Auntie Chickens!


Pamalamers and the other auntie (who is technologically limited and couldn't leave a comment on-line) are tied for second, with Meg bringing up the pack. You people are good.

Tomorrow, we talk baby names.

Today, we have more important things at hand: fantasy football drafting. (Sorry, Baby G. You'll understand soon.)

Friday, August 22, 2008


Okay people. Following the example of Barack Obama and the completely overblown, lengthy ordeal of announcing his VP choice, we are making this name revealing event as drawn out as possible. As Mamacita said, the name will be posed online at 3pm central on Sunday if someone can answer this simple question:

What was the number assigned to the egg that produced our little girl?

Those people who are nocoffeenobeer regulars should have no problems with this one. Post a reply and get the name!

The Great Name Giveaway!

Many of you will be happy to know that Daddy P and I have decided that we just can't keep the baby's name a secret any longer. We've been calling her by her name in the house for about three months now, and it's getting too hard to stop with people around... But, since we don't want this to be a complete giveaway, you'll have to work a little for it...

If one of you can answer the trivia question correctly, then you'll be able to earn the prize for the whole group of yas. Sunday at 3pm I will post the baby's name IF one of you responds in the comment section with the correct answer. (And remember -- comments containing any identifying information are appreciated, but not posted publicly, and will not be counted.)

Daddy P will post the trivia question later today.

Good luck people!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Truly Productive Day

It's been an eventful few days! Daddy P arrived in town with the doggy. Our car made it here safely yesterday. We found out that our belongings won't be here until Tuesday (arg!) but Mayflower says they will pay us $125 days for each of the five days late it will be...

But today took the cake!

We found: an obgyn. She's GREAT. Daddy P and I both left the office and you could hear a shared sigh of relief. Every part of our experience was opposite the last. She took a lot of time to just get to know us and find out about us. She had already reviewed all my medical chart in detail. She praised our prenatal care (always a good thing when you think you've been getting good prenatal care!) but added an iron supplement since I show up as still anemic. Her philosophy on childbirth matches ours... Just all around good fit. Plus she's a Rice U. grad and everyone knows that an owl is trustworthy.

We found: a rocking chair! It's really more of a glider/recliner/super-comfy-I-might-sleep-there-every-night chair. Apparently we did so in the knick of time. It is going to take 6-8 weeks to arrive!! But it is glorious and I love it, and it's cute enough that it will totally fit in with our living room furniture when it is done in the baby's room. Thank you, Grandma, for treating us (and Baby G) to such a wonderful early-shower present.

We completed: painting Baby G's room! Within a day we decided to paint, picked colors (amazing for us, when 3 months is our shortest record paint-picking time so far), and painted the whole room. It's nice. We really like it, but it might make us reconsider our nursery decorations that we've registered for. The colors prolly won't work together super duper well. We will see...

We started: teaching Elly she cannot go in the baby's room. After two days now of watching us paint but not being allowed to cross the threshold, she currently walks upstairs and promptly lies down in the hall so she can see in the bedroom. Not too shabby. I'm under no illusions that this will last, but she's learning.

Monday, August 18, 2008

That's Dr. Mamacita to you.

Assuming the graduate school has everything in order (knock on wood), I am today, officially, Dr. Mamacita. All that studying and money finally resulted in three little letters. (YAY!) Oh, and "Ph.D." too I guess.

A rewarding little tale: yesterday at the park I ran into a former friend who I haven't talked to in ten years and pretty much all he had to say was 1) "Look at you" (yes, I'm pregnant, thanks for noting that is such a positive way), and 2) "You're STILL in school?" (to which I got to say, "no, i have my doctorate now, but am working on my license"). I fibbed a little since it was a day premature, but today it is official!!


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Howdy ya'll!

I am back in Texas! Daddy P is en route with the dog and the truck. Our things are, well, I have no idea where the moving van is. And our car is equally unknown as to location and arrival time. But, I am here.

Last week took its toll. I think I slept 10 hours last night and then added an hour nap to that today. I was an emotional wreck yesterday. I expected to be just overwhelmingly so excited, but it was such a bittersweet return. After so many goodbyes to the friends I'd made, I was still feeling that loss as I stepped off the plane. Well, loss of presence, but hopefully not loss of contact.

I'm looking forward to our things getting here -- and to Daddy P's arrival -- so we can start to settle in and get comfy. Hopefully that won't be too far away. I can't wait to buy some baby furniture!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Empty Nest

This probably isn't what they mean by nesting: an air mattress, two pillows, and a dog bed. But that's what we've got for the time being. Our car and our belongings are on their way to Texas. We have a fridge full of food and a dirty apartment to deal with. Thanks to my folks, though, and their stellar packing job (the movers actually *complimented* us on the packing job) all 4150 lbs. of our belongings are on their way to the Lone Star State.

For me, this has been a melancholy week. Goodbyes around every corner. Clients are hard enough, but the goodbyes with co-workers and friends have begun and are managing to keep me off kelter. Daddy P is in a totally different mental/emotional place, and is just 100% excited to get the hell outta this state. Three more work days and my goodbyes will be over, and I will be able to focus whole heartedly on the fun of returning to my long lost friends.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Undulating Stomach and Boxes

For the first time this week, Daddy P and I watched Baby G do the wave (by herself, surrounded by fluid and grossness, through my stomach). It was at once fascinating and totally disgusting. Since then I find myself caught up in the new hobby of stomach-watching. I will just sit for minutes on end staring at my stomach, hoping to catch her moving around.

Meanwhile, my folks flew out here this weekend to help us pack. At first, I thought this was a truly nice gesture. Now I realize that we were saved by these people and owe them a grandchild. Oh wait -- done. Perfect timing. There is no way that 29 weeks pregnant Mamacita and still-one-handed Daddy P could have done this in less than two weeks of solid packing. My stamina this week took a nasty turn, and I have suddenly found it hard to bend over and pick things up. This is a very disturbing development if you ask me. Last week -- I swear, just last week -- I was nimble and agile, and able to do just about anything that needed doing. Now? When I bend over to pick something up I have to do this plie/squat thing or else my head fills with blood and I feel like my stomach and head will explode simultaneously. This baby's getting too big. Maybe she's ready to come out.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Help Daddy P get a job

If you are finding yourself really in the middle with this whole election thing... and you really like Daddy P... and you don't mind having your vote influenced... then think about voting for Obama. He's said that he will make the space program a focus of his presidency. Here's an excerpt. (And this pertains to Baby G because she will need an employed Daddy to help Mommy put food on the table...)

And we have to do more than provide short-term relief. We have to secure our long-term prosperity and strengthen America's competitiveness in the 21st century. One of the areas where we are in danger of losing our competitive edge is our space program. When I was growing up, NASA inspired the world with achievements we are still proud of. Today, we have an administration that has set ambitious goals for NASA without giving NASA the support it needs to reach them. As a result, they've had to cut back on research, and trim their programs, which means that after the Space Shuttle shuts down in 2010, we're going to have to rely on Russian spacecraft to keep us in orbit.

We cannot cede our leadership in space. That's why I will help close the gap and ensure that our space program doesn't suffer when the Shuttle goes out of service by working with Senator Bill Nelson to add at least one additional Space Shuttle flight beyond 2010; by supporting continued funding for NASA; by speeding the development of the Shuttle's successor; and by making sure that all those who work in the space industry in Florida do not lose their jobs when the Shuttle is retired – because we cannot afford to lose their expertise.

More broadly, we need a real vision for space exploration. To help formulate this vision, I'll reestablish the National Aeronautics and Space Council so that we can develop a plan to explore the solar system – a plan that involves both human and robotic missions, and enlists both international partners and the private sector. And as America leads the world to long-term exploration of the moon, Mars, and beyond, let's also tap NASA's ingenuity to build the airplanes of tomorrow and to study our own planet so we can combat global climate change. Under my watch, NASA will inspire the world, make America stronger, and help grow the economy here in Florida. That's what this election is all about. It's about raising our sights, seizing this moment, and reclaiming our destiny in this country. And yet, at a time when the stakes could not be higher – when the challenges facing our country could not be greater – my opponent is talking about Britney and Paris. Well, I think the American people deserve better. Senator McCain and I have real differences and that's what we should be talking about – because we have a real choice to make in November.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

And what has the thumb done for you, you ask?

Made me dinner. Yum! Daddy P took full advantage of his new range of motion. He is quite excited, needless to say. I decided to spare you pictures of his indescribably yucky hand.

Instead, more on mother skills! My newest cupcake venture included fondant! It was tricky, and I need a lot more practice, but they turned out pretty cute...

Our friend Melissa has connected us with a doula in Austin that she knows. I hadn't ever thought of using a doula before. But today, I started thinking. You hire a wedding organizer to make sure that your wedding goes well, and what's on the line for THAT event? Your train being carefully placed behind you? Your make-up looking good? I mean, this is way more important -- uh, human LIFE people! -- so why wouldn't I pay someone to tell me what is supposed to happen next and how the heck to make my back hurt less.

Daddy P spent the evening researching doulas on-line. The research he found isn't really very rigorous, but there does seem to be a correlation between doulas and shorter labor, less use of epidurals, breastfeeding, etc. It all started out as me looking for a massage, and now we might have a doula! Sounds good to me! (Thanks, Melissa!)

Hooray for opposable thumbs

This morning I went to the doctor and was greeted with good news. It seems my wrist has shown some significant healing, at least enough to free me from the cast I've spent the last 8 weeks in! I am now sporting a much lighter and much less restrictive removable splint. The best part about the splint is that I am able to bend my thumb a little, and can actually use it to hold things somewhat. With that, I have officially rejoined the ranks of the multi-thumbed! Look for Mamacita to receive considerably more pampering now that I am able to cook and do dishes once again.

The visit wasn't a complete success, however. My wrist is not totally healed, and I am not cleared for lifting or athletic activity. My left hand is probably half as big as my right due to the muscle atrophy. I am also having trouble bending my digits in the direction that they traditionally go. So, fear not, grandma and grandpa R. You will still be needed to pack our stuff for our move to Austin :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cleaning out the closet (well, pantry)

Part of the moving process that I dread is the "eating-everything-in-the-kitchen-before-you-go" stage of moving. Right now I have a two week dinner menu made up based upon the contents of our cupboards. So far, we've had one miserable failure, and one surprising success. The miserable failure consisted of a meal we deemed to be made with freezer burned (or just plain too old) meat. Yeah, yuck is right.

Tonight, we had a salmon pasta (pantry contents: macaroni, canned salmon) that was super easy to make. A can of salmon, a packet of Knorr's garlic cream sauce, a teaspoon of lemon juice, onions, mushrooms, and macaroni. Voila! Dinner!

Our dog can't sense nothing

Everyone keeps asking if Elly's changed her behavior because I'm pregnant. Unless chewing on her bone non-stop counts, then no. She hasn't. Daddy P and I held our breath when she put her head on my tummy, but she didn't seem to notice 1) the tummy, or 2) the squirming in the tummy. Instead she just wanted dinner.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Totally desensitived to fake baby sounds.


Elly no longer cares if a baby cries through the speakers. Now let's see if she cares about real babies crying. Anyone want to volunteer to bring over their crying baby? We're looking for a volunteer people. Anyone?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Doctor Search

One part of our move that has proven to be trickier than I'd anticipated is transferring to a new doctor's office. We went to a highly recommended doc (who is actually a google search fav apparently) and ended up waiting for 2 hours (I kid you not) to see him. Daddy P is much more patient than I am and we did stay and wait. But let me back up.

First of all, our current office is small, homey, with a little kids area in the waiting room, and probably 4 docs and 3 midwives. We walk into this office and it is cold, sterile, and very "manly" (I hate to rely on stereotypes here, but there was evidence everywhere you looked that only men worked in this office). Thirty women or so sat waiting for one of the 6 or 7 docs the practice has. We joined them. After 1 1/2 hrs. they put us in his office to wait the remaining 1/2 hour.

He was nice enough. And frankly, he had good reason to be late, having been out delivering babies and all. But I left less than satisfied, and after much thinking have decided to continue our search. Luckily I get to see our fav mid-wife one more time before we move, so there will be no loss in continuity of care. And our search continues...

PS New 27 week pic!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Back to the grind

Well, we are back at home, and after waaaayyyyy too much drama, have secured an apartment for our move.

But on to bigger things -- two babies in a week! Congrats Jenn and Jon (and Madeline, the new addition) and Susanna and Dan (and Eleanor)!