Monday, June 9, 2008

Inside of Daddy P

So, as long as we are looking at my insides, I figure, let's look at Daddy P's insides, too.

So, you see those little bones in the wrist? Well, those two bones stacked on each other on the right side...? They're supposed to be ONE bone. Yep! Daddy P broke his wrist! He is in a temporary cast after 3 hours in the ER Friday night after landing on his wrist when pretending to be super volleyball man. Tomorrow he goes to a hand surgeon who specializes since this apparently, is a very tricky and special break. Leave it to Daddy P to be special!

Luckily, he will get the cast off just in time to hold his little baby girl. Granted, he'll miss out on, oh, three months of cleaning, and packing, and unpacking, but he will be ready to change poopy diapers.

So please send your condolences his way. He is rather upset about the whole thing and is having a rough time adjusting to being a one-armed man...

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