Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Crunching the numbers

Wow, baby budgeting is not only crazy expensive, but hard to do. If you google baby budget, you will get estimates on price ranges like this one I found:

Crib and Mattress: $250 - 250+
Stroller: $100 - 800

It just gets worse, trust me... So obviously a frugal parent can make this happen without breaking the bank... I just have to make sure I budget us for my amazing high chair that I cannot live without that will be more expensive than the crib... You guys aren't even curious about it are you? Man, you have no sense of suspense...

But, my main goal in this was to figure out how much it would cost us to use gDiapers. It'll be more, but I think Daddy P and I have decided to try it out and try to spend less in other areas to compensate. My super duper rough estimates (for 3600 diapers for the first year only) put disposables around $900 and gDiapers around $1200. So, that's a lot, but it's distributed over the course of the year, and I think since we can probably handle it financially then I will happily do it for our baby girl's future world.

Plus, they sell gDiapers in Austin supermarkets, whereas out here on the East Coast you can't find them to save your life and we'd have to have them shipped. (No thanks.)

Plus, with an estimate of $2000/yr of formula costs, if we can convince my body and this baby to breast feed we can figure we're offsetting that cost as much as possible.

Oh, the idealistic talk of a first time pregnant woman.

We will, of course, use disposables for when relatives and babysitters have the baby since there is no reason to subject others to our diaper changing madness if they don't have to be. :)

As for Daddy P... he saw the specialist and is in a cast. The plan is for him to have a catscan to confirm what things look like. Then, the doc will x-ray his wrist every 6 weeks or so to see how it is healing. They don't take the cast off until they see in the x-ray that it's totally healed. They are estimating 2-3 months...

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