Sunday, June 29, 2008

I won!!!

So, two blogs in one day is a little crazy, I know, I know... but I would like to share with you all the totally awesome prize I won!

It was a silly little contest... you know, you enter, fill out your info, and never expect to hear about it again... but, I won!!!

An at-home, foot massage and pedicure. Compliments of Daddy P. You see, I was nagging a little about how little he's blogged. He has this whole "I only have one hand" sob story going about most things I nag about that he doesn't feel like doing at the time. That works for laundry, and dishes, and cooking, and... well, I'll cry if I keep going... but it doesn't work any longer for anything typing oriented.

You see, my gracious father bought him some very awesome voice recognition software called Naturally Speaking . It's a little eerie actually. He'll be in the office working on something and I just hear him talking to himself. I have to be careful not to yell up at him in these moments otherwise he ends up with random things in his paper. He said that the other day he forgot to turn the microphone off and the computer tried to type the dog barking. It didn't really work very well, but at least the dog can feel literary at times as well.

So, back to my pedi. I was all about typing out an entry for him, but he said he'd do it later yesterday. I told him that was bunk, and he wouldn't, and he insisted. So, he told me if he didn't blog he'd give me a full-on pedicure. Since bending over is getting more and more uncomfortable, and I do love pretty toes, I took him up on it. I could hardly stand the anticipation this morning as I crawled out of bed to log in and see if there was an entry!


So, I'll have pretty toes for a while longer. Or at least, I'll have painted toes. I have a feeling that "pretty" might not be quite where Daddy P's toenail painting skills are at yet, but I'll take what I can get!

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