Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mommy's Day

So, Daddy P insisted we celebrate Mother's Day since Cletus couldn't do it on his/her own yet. He made me chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast (yum!), and had a whole day planned for us. I messed up the plan by getting the worst neckache ever which has prevented me from moving around or turning my head. I have spent some time today however moaning woefully, lying on the floor, and whining. Since I wasn't exactly in any condition to be fun, we settled on getting frozen custard and going to a movie.

Here is the segue into a movie review...

Ironman is the most over-rated, uninteresting action movie I have ever seen (ok, recently). I attribute the stellar ratings to a total lack of movies for the past year, so everyone was just plum excited to see something on screen. Daddy P described it best when he said as we exited, "It was as if it was written by a 13 year old boy." This refers to both the total lack of interesting and thoughtful scripting, as well as the extreme womanizing. I am a woman who likes a good action flick. I can even suffer through the need to make men look strong by having them save and/or have sex with the women in the movie. So, although the use of women in the movie had me raise an eyebrow, I was still open. But really? Could there have been ONE interesting plot aspect? I'm just asking for one. Really...

Movie review over...

So, although I smell like Icy Hot and blew $7.50 on a crappy movie, I am still enjoying my mommy's day. First of all, I'm going to be a mommy. Having the world's best baby visit us for over a week only made me even more excited to be pregnant. I don't know how in the world I'm going to manage to wait until October for this little thing to finish gestating... But I am totally convinced that Daddy P's BFF and his amazing wife have all the secrets to baby rearing and they are officially on notice that they are in my speed dial.

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