Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bar Harbor, Maine

We spent our fifth anniversary in the beauty and wonderfulness of Maine, my new favorite state. If it weren't so darn cold in the winter (and if the winter didn't last 10 months) I would move there in a second. Everyone should go to Maine. Specifically, Bar Harbor. More specifically, they should stay at the Bayview Inn. I cannot rave enough about that place. I mean, just look at our view!

We drove up on Friday and checked in. I found a huge beautiful bouquet there from my hubby. Saturday we spent exploring the island and walking around the shops. Daddy P had also scheduled us massages and I got a taste of the wonders of the prenatal massage. Yay back! Sunday we hiked through Acadia National Park.

Daddy P took some embarrassing pictures of a certain pregnant woman trying to climb up a rocky wall on the hike. I felt I got my workout... Daddy P was reminded fairly frequently that I was carrying a baby up the mountain. Granted, the baby weighs, what, 7 ounces? The baby comes with a lot of luggage though... Anyway, all that work was worth it. Our reward was this view...

It was hard to return to normal life, but after one day of work I still feel refreshed and with a little new energy. Hopefully it will last!

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