Friday, May 30, 2008

Baby prep: dog training

We are currently in the throws of preparing our doggy for the baby. This has included another dog training class. Ohmygod, if I only knew how expensive this dog was going to be... She is doing well though... Last Thanksgiving she tried to bite Daddy P's brother and last night at training she not only sniffed him and then ignored him (kinda what all of us do...) but let him walk her. Our trainer also showed Daddy P's brother how to tell when a dog was ready to be pet and when they want you to just leave them alone... and we learned that pretty much Elly is never going to invite him to pet her, so he's just going to have to find a lab somewhere to pet cuz Elly's not gonna ever fulfill that need. He does smell like monkeys. I don't blame her really.

We are also doing intensive stuffed animal avoidance training. Elly's FAVORITE thing in the whole world is to destroy stuffed animals. It takes her literally 10 minutes to completely tear one apart. So, I've purchased several from Target's dollar bins, and she is currently being taught that she is no longer allowed to touch stuffed animals. (Except hers of course.) This has been largely successful so far. The other day I left one one the floor all day (out of negligence) and it was still there when I returned. It had moved three feet, I noticed, but had not been chewed on. So, we're getting there. The baby may have toys afterall!!

I think our next step will be to have lots of bouncy, stimulating toys around since I'm pretty sure that will totally freak her out.

Our hope is that we can copy the life of the male version of her -- black lab Elway -- and have an Elly room so that she does not have free reign in the house. Our dog trainer has taught us how to mark rooms as off limits so we'll definitely do that for the nursery, but I'm getting completely and utterly disgusted by how much dog hair there is EVERYWHERE in our apartment and want her out of the living room. I will not be vacuuming the couch (which, she is not even allowed on, but is a dog hair magnet!) at the rate I currently am when there is a baby... I know this... so, something must be done.

We are also looking into that tempting little purchase of a Roomba. Anyone have one? Anyone know if they're worth it?


Pamelamers said...

I have one and LOVE it. I also talked my neighbor into getting one, and she loves it as well. It isn't perfect, but it definitely helps keep the day to day pet hair accumulation under wraps without you having to run the vaccuum all the time. It's major hang ups are rugs with fringe and cords so those need to be out of the way. Otherwise you can close the door and let it go!

Mamacita said...

Excellent! That makes me very happy...! Now to find a place to clean... lol...

Christine said...

Willie and I had the first generation of stopped working after I ran it during a remodel...I found sixteen penny nails sucked inside of it. But I plan on buying a new one someday...its wonderful....