Friday, May 16, 2008

Daddy P vs. the Boppy

Thank you, ladies, so much for recommending the Boppy. My hips have been hurting like crazy in the past few weeks. I felt like I was camping every night. But now, heavens!, relief.

Yes, Daddy P is having some trouble adjusting to my new bedmate. It is a process but he is learning that a comfortable wife, is a wife that is not tossing and turning all night.

I have begun to better understand the pattern of woman taking care of baby that tends to occur in even the most feminist households post-birth. It begins now! Let me tell you... For every bit that I am learning to live without sleep (rising to use the bathroom, waking up to shift positions, yada yada yada...) Daddy P is learning to sleep through these disruptions. At the rate we were going I am fairly certain that when the baby arrives Daddy P will be able to sleep through a jet plane landing in the living room.

But, Boppy, you might have stopped this pattern. As I sleep better, Daddy P's desensitization is coming to a halt and he might wake to a baby cry after all! Of course, years of sleeping with someone who yells in her sleep has desensitized him a bit to sudden cries... but I have hope!

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