Monday, August 15, 2011

Single moms deserve free nannies

Past and future:

10pm finally fall asleep
11pm feed baby
12pm back asleep
3:20am feed baby
Rock baby, burp baby, cuss at baby, change clothes after getting spit up on, bounce baby, get spit up on again.
4:50 in bed
5:00 baby crying. Try again.
5:50 baby asleep. Hubby gets up for work.
Kate wakes up. Put her in our bed with a book and strict instructions to rest until her clock alarm goes off.
Iron clothes, make coffee.
Make hotel reservation for hubby for tonight.
6:45 Say goodbye to hubby.
Feed Kate. Feed dog. Drink coffee.
7:20 Shower. Kate dresses self (small miracles...)
7:30 feed baby
7:45 breathe...

Todays adventures include: Dr appt for Kate, the hubby's first day of work (new faculty orientation this week), going to work while mama and papa watch the kids, then my first night solo!

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