Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sorry, Mom

So, in attending to the peeing in the closet situation... On the way home from school I started checking in to see about what was going on with Kate that day. I told her that, that morning I really appreciated that when she wanted to talk to me she came up, tapped me, and said "excuse me."

Then I said, "Sometimes we try to get attention by doing other things. Daddy told me that you went potty in the house yesterday and I think you did that to get Daddy's attention. It can be hard when he's holding baby brother. Do you have ideas for other ways you can get attention when Daddy is holding baby?"

Kate answered, "I could tap you but I like Daddy more."

Zing. Insert Knife. Twist.

This is what 12 y.o. is going to feel like.

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