Monday, March 14, 2011

Tubes, Diapers and Play Therapy

Kate got tubes on Friday.  It was the easiest thing I could have imagined.  I was nervous.  Very.  About everything.  But Kate and I packed up early and headed out to get there by 6:45am.  She couldn't eat or drink anything after getting up, but for some magical reason didn't notice the restriction.  I waited until the last minute to tell her I couldn't go back in the office with her.  She was upset, asked me to sit with her for two more minutes (which we had) and then went with the nurses reluctantly but without protest.  The first day she had to be held down for us to put her antibiotic drops in her ears, the second day bribery worked, and now she will remind me we have to do it.  So, things are going well.

Saturday Paul and Kate went to protest all the ridiculousness going on here in Texas regarding education and marched on the capitol while I went to work.  We also "threw out" diapers on Saturday.  Kate asked to go to the potty while at the march but they didn't make it to the port-a-potty in time.

Sunday we had a little insight into Kate's view of the potty training process.  If anyone ever wonders why we therapists do play therapy all they have to do is watch my daughter play.  Kate is sitting in the den with her baby doll.  She asked me to hold up the legs so she could wipe baby doll "because she went poop."  After that she explained that baby doll was sad.  I asked why and she said, "because she had an accident and now she has to take a nap."  So, we worked together on explaining to baby doll that everyone has accidents, it's no big deal and we still love her.

Monday we didn't have any potty accidents (yay) and managed that by setting the phone timer for every hour after consulting with potty-training expert-moms.  This made it not mom telling her to sit on the potty but the phone, and seemed to make it all okay.  She did, however, channel all and any control issues into pooping, resulting in her holding it in all day yesterday, and then having multiple (yucky) intentional panty-poops today.

Oh, but let me tell you my favorite part of today:  15 minutes straight of my daughter brushing my hair.  First sitting up, then I was instructed to lie down and close my eyes, then I had to open my eyes (she thought I was going to sleep), and then sit up again.  It was so relaxing.  Ah, pampering.  :)

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