Monday, March 21, 2011


Kate loved the rodeo!  Did she love the petting zoo?  Nah, not so much.  Didn't want to go in.  The pig races?  They were okay, she liked the pigs, but there were too many people and it was too noisy for her.  Watching the cows get judged in the Junior Livestock Show?  She LOVED it.  We sat and watched cow after cow, heifer after heifer, get judged.  I now know when I "really need to appreciate the structure of the cow's spine, her ratio with horns, her feminine neck"... 

Her other favorite was watching the horses compete.  Obviously going to take after her grandpa (who probably wouldn't have been caught dead sitting in the stands for a half hour watching these horses pull these farmers).

Potty update:  we have had a week of no accidents!  Still using a pull-up at night, and has had some "poopy accidents" but is consistently using the potty for potty which is a nice relief.  The side effect has been her trying to exert control every which way she can in life, but we get it, and are doing our best to support her.  She also hasn't adjusted to daylight savings time (getting up at 7, but falling asleep at 9pm no matter when we put her to bed... ) which is making life fun at home.  :)

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