Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dr. Suess

I really don't like Dr. Suess books.  They are long, some of them are just weird, and they are hard to read.

Toddlers, I have learned, love them.  At least, my toddler.  In fact, we have read them so many times that at night I will read it once and then she will "read" it once.  Yes, that many times.

This is a second hand story... but too cute not to share... I had made mac N cheese for Paul and Kate while I was out of town thinking this would be a sure-win dinner since Kate LOVES mac N cheese.  Well, apparently Mom can't compete with the box.  (Granted I added bacon for Paul and beans for some umph...)  Kate told Paul that she didn't like it.  Paul tried his best to convince her that she did in fact like Mac N Cheese... but Kate was insistent.  So she says to him:

"I do not like it, not in a car, not in a train, just let me be!"

Which, for those of you distanced from toddler-land, is a "Green Eggs and Ham" reference.

Apparently she missed the whole point of the story, that being that he does in the end try Green Eggs and Ham and find out he likes them... we'll work on theme later...

Kate's other similar habit is to associate a word that she is using and sing a song that has that word in it.  We will be talking about something and if it jogs her memory she'll start singing a related song.  It can be a little confusing if you don't get what's happening, but it is also positively hilarious to watch her spontaneously break out in a song related to what we're talking about.

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