Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kate's New Favorite Man

Kate was around a lot of "new" people this weekend.  Family that she sees once or twice a year if we're lucky.  People who love her desperately, but because of her age and distance between us we don't keep up with as often as any of us would like.  She took it all in.  She warmed up to many of them, and kept a wary distance with others as she tends to.

What killed me was that she instantly warmed up to one person she had never met:  she would walk by him and say "hi" in a cute little peppy voice, and give him high fives.  That was when I knew it... she's the girl who falls for musicians.  Kate became buds with my sister-in-laws bestie, Chad.  He plays the guitar, is generally laid back and cool, and is probably one of the most easy going and friendly people I've met.  It might be that Kate picked up on the fact Mason (her cousin and favorite person in the whole world) adores Chad and so Kate automatically adores him, too.  Or, it could be that he plays guitar and sings.  Whatever it was, she liked him and it made me laugh.

Here's a quick video of Kate regaling us with her guitar playing and singing.  In case you need some help, she starts out singing the ABCs, moves on to Twinkle Twinkle, Wheels on the Bus ("people go Up and Down", "baby goes wah wah")...

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