Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The makings of the Big Girl Bed

Helping use the Allen Wrench

So proud!!

We had, what, four nights under our belt of good big girl bed sleeping?  The first night I woke up every hour to look at the monitor, fearful she'd slip through the gap between bed and bumper.  Then the second night I calmed down a little.  And the third night I slept!  Glorious sleep!

And then last night.  Last night I woke up at 4:30am to hear Paul sprinting from our room mumbling something.  I reach over to grab the monitor to see Paul lifting a sleeping Kate off the floor.  That's right.  She fell off the bed AND stayed asleep.  It wasn't until Paul went in and got her that she woke up and then freaked out because he wouldn't put her back in bed.  Meanwhile I had to get up at 6am anyway, and you can imagine that the house was a little chaotic after that.  Around 5:30 Paul decided to sleep with her in her twin bed and then slept until about 8 or so. 

Hoping to sleep past 4:30 tomorrow... without thuds...

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