Saturday, September 4, 2010


I know I gave this whole lecture on going private, and I am thinking about it seriously (or quitting) but I've noticed I'm too lazy to take the time to go to a separate feed to read people's private blogs since they don't show up in my reader list. And you know -- I do this for the VIEWERSHIP, so I wouldn't want my reader numbers to drop.

It's Saturday night, and I'm tired, so that's all you're getting for now. Okay, fine. Two more minutes. (I say this particular phrase so much my almost-2 year old says it to me all the time now...)

School continues to go well. She is now a) eating, b) talking to the teachers instead of running away from them when they talk to her or make eye contact, and c) playing with other kids. She is still not d) napping. Which shows up on Saturday when she naps for the combined time she's missed from the week... But other than that she's getting in the swing. I think it helps that most kids seem to go 7-3pm, so my 11-5:15 daughter has only one or two kids around in the afternoon so she gets lots of grown-up attention.

We have noticed, though, that in the two weeks she's been there she's more social overall. She warms up to people faster, and talks to them faster than ever before. So this whole exposure therapy thing for her social anxiety is definitely working. The only minor problem I am having is that if I warn her that it's time to go to school she stalls and complains about it. Once we're in the car we're usually okay, but I've had to plan trips and outings before school lately so I can get us out the door on time...

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