Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Color Mixing!

We've transitioned to the big girl bed. Ever since my aunt left town we've had sleeping nightmares. A two hour fight everynight to get her to sleep, and waking throughout the night, crying, and needing help sleeping. We hypothesized it was one of three things: 1) her old digestive problem. We'd noticed she was having some tummy problems and requesting only milk as she did when she wasn't gaining weight so we started her on probiotic again. 2) the she didn't like the crib anymore. We bought a bed. 3) that she isn't sleeping enough at school and that's messing up the nighttime.

Well, poops are back to normal thanks to the probiotic, and around the time of the first normality she also slept through the night. So, maybe. She took to her new bed beautifully. She climbs in and out throughout the day, but waits patiently for me to get her out in the morning. And, even though she screams for twenty minutes at night because she doesn't want to go to bed, she doesn't get out, and when she's out, she's out. Saturday she napped for over 3 hours. So if we needed evidence that she doesn't sleep enough during the week we got it.

I don't know what's going on. From immediately after dinner on she starts fighting with us about everything in an attempt to delay bedtime. But you can tell she is just exhausted. My next move has been to buy a book written for professionals about sleep issues that was recommended by a friend and researcher. After that I plan on picking her up from school early one or two days to see if that makes any difference. Who knows. Bah.

Sleep. The ongoing struggle.
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