Friday, July 9, 2010

Water Fun

This weekend we headed to the outdoor mall to walk around. There's a splash pad there so Kate enjoyed playing in the water a bit.

We've also been enjoying having a free pool literally one block away from us. We've walked there a couple times a week, and Kate is slowly getting used to the water. She's pretty unsure of the whole thing, but seems to like the get-up.

Here she is trying out the "big girl" pool. There's a wading pool that she likes much much better, but we're trying to also get her used to kicking her feet and getting immersed (up to chin) in the water. We've learned she is obsessed with climbing the ladder to get out, and will do anything for the privilege of climbing the ladder. Don't you love how anything can be a "privilege"??

And our indoor pic of the weekend: Kate's insane, insatiable appetite for raisins. She sneaks them out of the pantry no matter where you hide them. This raisin obsession is making potty training a bit harder (er...) if you get my drift. She is now on a ration of both raisins and oranges every day. Some kids have a sugar ration... my kid pigs out on raisins...

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