Friday, July 9, 2010

Phone Girl

Yesterday, as part of our celebrating pooping and peeing in the potty, we called Daddy P to relay the good news. So as soon as she was done today Kate promptly said, "Call... Daddy!" We got out the phone and she called him (I think she calls him more than I do at this point). He picks up, and I can tell because she loudly proclaims "POOPS!" which cracks me up. But the reason that this conversation was my fav ever was because she then goes on to tell him about how we took Elly for a walk earlier that morning. Just hanging out, sharing her day with Dad. Killed me. I missed the "poop part" but here you can hear her "ack" for "walk" and her try at "Elly"...

(Sorry for the crappy quality... our camera is dying...)

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