Wednesday, July 21, 2010

21 Month Update

I know, July flew by without hardly a post. Two things contributed to that: 1) a broken computer, and 2) a lack of childcare.

We finally have childcare under control (man, am I getting tired of singing this song), but the computer is still stone-cold dead so don't get too hopeful. But for now, my husband is still at work (yes, it is 10pm) and the baby is asleep, so here I am.

Little Kate is doing well. She's positively hilarious. I cherish every moment I get to hang out with her. Even the ones where I think I'm going to pull out my hair because she's driving me nuts. Friends have been nudging us that it is time for #2, but I have the hardest time imagining losing these moments. I remember the last few times I breastfed her in the morning before she weaned, I just would rock her and try to soak in the moments. Those mornings were my favorites. She'd wake around 5 and I'd drag myself into her room to be rewarded with the sweetest moments. In a quiet house with the dark slowly lightening we got to be just mom and baby for a few minutes before we both retreated back to sleep.

We have different versions of those moments now. In the morning, one of us grabs her and brings her into bed to cuddle and read a book as everyone gets going. Some afternoons when the day is just feeling too much we'll build a tent and hunker down with books and blankets and just read. My favorite lately has been getting to paint with her. She's quite the little artist and we've even put a couple of her paintings up on the wall. Those moments of creation and experimentation with her are so joyful. I know another baby will be amazing, but right now I'm so in love with my little life it's hard to want to change it.

One of my favorite new activities with her is yoga. She and I have been doing yoga in the morning for several months now but she went to her first yoga class this month! There is a "Crawlers and Toddlers" class that we go to. It's basically Kundalini with kids in the room. The teacher is amazing at helping you to practice balancing taking care of yourself and taking care of your children. An amazing and necessary skill to be sure, and so fun to do in the context of yoga.
I think her favorite part is tea. At the end of every yoga class this studio serves tea. At home she and I have morning tea from time to time. So, the first time that we went to the class she was so excited about the tea she started repeating "tea tea tea" over and over. It was super cute. She wasn't too sure about the rest of the class. Not too used to little kids running all over the place... but she did learn to do Bridge pose.

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