Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day everyone (well, fathers...)!

To my husband:

I think back to the man I married and wonder what he would have thought about the snapshot of our life. Would you recognize yourself?

You get excited when potties have pee pee in them...
You say the word "pee pee"...
You, on your own initiative and accord, bring home "Okra chips" because they "have only three ingredients: okra, oil and salt."
You take a break from work because on that particular day, you are the only one allowed to change a poopy diaper.
You know how to wash cloth diapers and don't complain about it.
Your idea of a "good Saturday" means having time to clean the garage.
Sleeping in means getting out of bed at 8am.
You go work-out at 6am.
You show your daughter so much love that one of her first recognizable words is "cuddle" which she does with abandon when you are around.
You are the most important person in my life. I love you more every day and more than I could have imagined (and I have a really good imagination).
You are an amazing father to our daughter. You teach her how to love, how to be compassionate, how to love learning, how to work hard, how to play, and in exchange, she teaches you to clean. (hehe)

I love you. Happy Father's Day!

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