Wednesday, June 23, 2010

All fired up an no one to complain to... oh wait! I write a blog!

Poor reader.

This whole Happy Meal business has just got me all up in arms today. I think really what got me up in arms was running in the humidity this morning and not being able to breathe, but the Happy Meal thing cinched it.

What's that? How's who? Oh Kate. Yeah, she's fine. Went and did bloodwork yesterday to rule out things like tropical infections and bacteria from Mars. She was a trooper, Elmo in one hand, Horsey in the other. I, on the other hand, was able to restrain her and soothe her until it was over at which time everything starts slowly going black. Didn't quite pass out but had to hang out at the lab for a while. So fun! But it was all negative (the bloodwork) and her rash is finally fading today. She's grumpy, but not infectious, so we're going to go out of the house today.

Happy Meals... you know what I'm talking about, right? This whole thing about trying to get rid of toy-based food marketing aimed at kids. The argument I heard went something like, "because they can't evaluate the information properly." Made me laugh. Has anyone noticed that ADULTS go to McDonalds all the time and theoretically they would fall into the "CAN evaluate information properly" camp and they don't even get a toy?

Right, so anyway, the thing to do when you're pissed at a situation is to find someone to blame. And I really think blaming McDonalds and parents is overdone. I've figured out who's fault it is.


(Sorry, Jenn.)

No, I'm dead serious. Pediatricians suck. Everyone complains all the time that parents take their kids to McDonalds and feed them crap and don't care, and that poor people eat crap because it's what cheap, and parents don't teach their kids how to eat well. I'll give you that people are lazy. But aren't we kinda assuming that there's a basis of knowledge here?

No one ever taught me what a normal kid's portion size is. I mean, no one taught me what a normal ADULT portion size is. No one told me how much protein she needs in a meal, or in a day, or how many calories. It's as though I'm supposed to just know, or read a book or something. But who is the one person I see every three months from birth who is second in command of my child's health? Her pediatrician.

And what has my pediatrician told me about nutrition and eating?

(Note, these words were only conveyed when asked direct questions of the doctor...)

"Don't fight about food. She won't starve."
"She knows how much she needs."

Whew, I feel all at once relieved and so so educated now! Thank you, Doc!

I know, we've established our doc sucks. We're switching. For real, we are, but still, I have trouble thinking this is that abnormal. Yeah, McDonald's is a corporate bloodsucker that is killing the world. Yeah, the food lobby is destroying the way we think about and eat food.

For now, I'm just going to blame the pediatrician.

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