Sunday, June 20, 2010

All of the above.

Our past two weeks quickly in pictures...

Checking out her new child care she will start in the fall:

Making scones before Mama left town:

Hanging up blinds:

Helping mom find gold shoes for the wedding:

And, the rash...

What a week. Our little one is currently covered in a fierce red rash. After going to the doctor twice this week, once on Friday, and once to the emergency Saturday hours, we think it is a virus-related rash. Whatever it is it is awful. It doesn't seem to bother her much (not itchy like an allergy), but it is very hot to the touch and just scary for a parent to look at. She isn't herself either.

Bedtimes have become marriage-challegers. She screams and tantrums like the world is burning down around her. Friday night she didn't get to bed until 10:30, and that was asleep on me on the bed. Finally at 1am we got her in her crib and she slept through until almost 8am. Last night she again fell asleep on me but around 9 this time and I was able to get her into her bed almost right away. What I am skipping over are the hours and hours of pushing, hitting, screaming, awfulness of trying to get her to calm down enough to sleep.

Unfortunately, because of this funness, our father's day plans have been seriously altered. We were planning on finally going out on the boat, but Kate's tolerance for the heat right now is nil, and she's too fussy to want to keep in the car any longer than absolutely necessary.

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