Wednesday, June 23, 2010

All fired up an no one to complain to... oh wait! I write a blog!

Poor reader.

This whole Happy Meal business has just got me all up in arms today. I think really what got me up in arms was running in the humidity this morning and not being able to breathe, but the Happy Meal thing cinched it.

What's that? How's who? Oh Kate. Yeah, she's fine. Went and did bloodwork yesterday to rule out things like tropical infections and bacteria from Mars. She was a trooper, Elmo in one hand, Horsey in the other. I, on the other hand, was able to restrain her and soothe her until it was over at which time everything starts slowly going black. Didn't quite pass out but had to hang out at the lab for a while. So fun! But it was all negative (the bloodwork) and her rash is finally fading today. She's grumpy, but not infectious, so we're going to go out of the house today.

Happy Meals... you know what I'm talking about, right? This whole thing about trying to get rid of toy-based food marketing aimed at kids. The argument I heard went something like, "because they can't evaluate the information properly." Made me laugh. Has anyone noticed that ADULTS go to McDonalds all the time and theoretically they would fall into the "CAN evaluate information properly" camp and they don't even get a toy?

Right, so anyway, the thing to do when you're pissed at a situation is to find someone to blame. And I really think blaming McDonalds and parents is overdone. I've figured out who's fault it is.


(Sorry, Jenn.)

No, I'm dead serious. Pediatricians suck. Everyone complains all the time that parents take their kids to McDonalds and feed them crap and don't care, and that poor people eat crap because it's what cheap, and parents don't teach their kids how to eat well. I'll give you that people are lazy. But aren't we kinda assuming that there's a basis of knowledge here?

No one ever taught me what a normal kid's portion size is. I mean, no one taught me what a normal ADULT portion size is. No one told me how much protein she needs in a meal, or in a day, or how many calories. It's as though I'm supposed to just know, or read a book or something. But who is the one person I see every three months from birth who is second in command of my child's health? Her pediatrician.

And what has my pediatrician told me about nutrition and eating?

(Note, these words were only conveyed when asked direct questions of the doctor...)

"Don't fight about food. She won't starve."
"She knows how much she needs."

Whew, I feel all at once relieved and so so educated now! Thank you, Doc!

I know, we've established our doc sucks. We're switching. For real, we are, but still, I have trouble thinking this is that abnormal. Yeah, McDonald's is a corporate bloodsucker that is killing the world. Yeah, the food lobby is destroying the way we think about and eat food.

For now, I'm just going to blame the pediatrician.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Internet isn't working...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monkey Girl

This, for your reference, is our bathroom. It's a normal bathroom. Toilet, sink, cupboard. Nothing fancy. The importance of this picture lies in the tale to come.

Kate's had a nasty rash. If she has a temperature, then the rash means one thing. If she doesn't, then it means some other thing. The rash is hot to the touch as though she has a bad sunburn everywhere so we are constantly fooled into taking her temperature. Well, the last time we took her temperature she and Daddy P were lying on our bed and I went to retrieve the thermometer from the cupboard above the toilet. She wants us to each have our temperatures taken (glad this is an ear thermometer) so we take turns all around. Everyone is normal, by the way.

Kate then grabs the thermometer and shoots out of the room. The adults, temporarily thrown off by having a moment alone together, get distracted by kissing for no more than 10 seconds when we hear the toilet seat shut. Daddy P gets up and sprints down the hallway only to find Kate standing in the bathroom, no thermometer in sight. I think the worst: a toilet water soaked ear thermometer. But no, not in the toilet. Daddy P searches everywhere, and finally finds the thermometer: right where it belongs, in the cupboard above the toilet. Directly next to Kate's medicines.

Needless to say, we are re-thinking "child proofing" for a 20 month old.
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day everyone (well, fathers...)!

To my husband:

I think back to the man I married and wonder what he would have thought about the snapshot of our life. Would you recognize yourself?

You get excited when potties have pee pee in them...
You say the word "pee pee"...
You, on your own initiative and accord, bring home "Okra chips" because they "have only three ingredients: okra, oil and salt."
You take a break from work because on that particular day, you are the only one allowed to change a poopy diaper.
You know how to wash cloth diapers and don't complain about it.
Your idea of a "good Saturday" means having time to clean the garage.
Sleeping in means getting out of bed at 8am.
You go work-out at 6am.
You show your daughter so much love that one of her first recognizable words is "cuddle" which she does with abandon when you are around.
You are the most important person in my life. I love you more every day and more than I could have imagined (and I have a really good imagination).
You are an amazing father to our daughter. You teach her how to love, how to be compassionate, how to love learning, how to work hard, how to play, and in exchange, she teaches you to clean. (hehe)

I love you. Happy Father's Day!

highlights from a parent-free weekend

Making auntie sit on the infant swing.

Our fridge we came home to since ours died as soon as we left town.

"Camping" at REI with her aunt and uncle.

All of the above.

Our past two weeks quickly in pictures...

Checking out her new child care she will start in the fall:

Making scones before Mama left town:

Hanging up blinds:

Helping mom find gold shoes for the wedding:

And, the rash...

What a week. Our little one is currently covered in a fierce red rash. After going to the doctor twice this week, once on Friday, and once to the emergency Saturday hours, we think it is a virus-related rash. Whatever it is it is awful. It doesn't seem to bother her much (not itchy like an allergy), but it is very hot to the touch and just scary for a parent to look at. She isn't herself either.

Bedtimes have become marriage-challegers. She screams and tantrums like the world is burning down around her. Friday night she didn't get to bed until 10:30, and that was asleep on me on the bed. Finally at 1am we got her in her crib and she slept through until almost 8am. Last night she again fell asleep on me but around 9 this time and I was able to get her into her bed almost right away. What I am skipping over are the hours and hours of pushing, hitting, screaming, awfulness of trying to get her to calm down enough to sleep.

Unfortunately, because of this funness, our father's day plans have been seriously altered. We were planning on finally going out on the boat, but Kate's tolerance for the heat right now is nil, and she's too fussy to want to keep in the car any longer than absolutely necessary.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The 2 minute update

The wedding was amazing.
Kate did fine while we were away.
She learned how to use a cell phone.
She is super clingy now that we are back.
We fired our nanny before we left.
We are now freaking out about childcare for the summer until Kate starts daycare in September.
I am tired.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

So long, farewell

Today, Daddy P and I leave on vacation without Kate... radio silence until our return in a week... good luck everyone!

Friday, June 4, 2010

This Must Be a Joke

Kate came to me grabbing her diaper today. I thought she needed a diaper change but I tried to get her to sit on the potty just in case. I left the room for a second to get her some medicine for a bug bite and as I re-entered the potty sang it's little potty song (no really, it plays music when you pee in the potty). Kate looked stunned and clearly wanted to do it again. Let's home this is the real deal!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Weight Check

Kate gained 1.5 pounds in a month! In other words, she's gained 1.5 pounds since January! Go Kate!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The 2 minute update

NYC last weekend for bro-in-law's wedding.

Fun in CT on Monday.

Flew home solo with baby on Tuesday.

Flights delayed, baby tired and beat from the weekend, and a mom that gets airsick.

Make it home and baby is finally in bed asleep at 9pm. Ouch.

Mom wakes up with a nasty cold.

Baby is exhausted from traveling, day is spent with rapid switches between happy and sad/angry.

Drove 1.5 hours to pick up and return with dog from boarding kennel.

Went to grocery store, library (had to), and did laundry (also had to). Tried to lay on floor while baby played but she wanted to bounce on my stomach.

Baby in bed very early and out cold until insanely loud thunderstorms occasionally wake her in hysterics.

Going to bed less early than I wanted because I rented a stupid sad movie that made me bawl so I had to watch something funny afterwards.

Very adorable pictures to come...