Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Don't Jinx It

But Daddy P and I keep stealing glances at each other and smiling because Kate seems to be a new person. Or more correctly, her (very) old self. The baby we lost sometime in January. She wakes up smiling (and has slept through the night 80% of the nights this past week), is HAPPY when I get off of work, and goes to bed without a struggle.

Her language seemed to explode overnight. She's using (or trying to use) words constantly and stopped grunting as much to get her needs.

We had been really worried about choosing to sleep with her in her room for three weeks. I anticipated a huge blowback when it was time to stop this. But she seemed to take it all in stride. The first few nights we would put her down, go in and check after 2 then 4 then 6... minutes. Now we go in, tell her we'll come back to check on her, she says "yeah", and when we pop in randomly some time later she's out cold.

To our credit, we did put some effort into the whole transition. Although I credit probiotics (the cause of good sleep and well-formed poops -- and yeah, absorption of food) and pediasure for these remarkable changes, we did make some strategic changes. We put her back on a regular nighttime routine, involving both of us when possible. I stopped scheduling clients for before naptime, so we have lunch the three of us and then I put her down for nap before going to work. And, we are making a big effort to have more family time in our free time whereas before both Daddy P and I tended to want "me" time to get errands and chores done. I think all this family time and routine has helped her feel secure enough to relax, enjoy, and sleep!

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