Sunday, May 9, 2010


So the question is... would we go camping again? So here's the thing... it was SO much fun. Kate LOVED it. There was a park about 100 feet from our tent, so this little girl was in heaven. Top that with the fact she had dirt and a shovel outside of her front door and she didn't want to leave.

Or... sleep... Daddy P was amazing. He went above and beyond to get her to sleep. She didn't fall asleep until 10pm, and then woke up a bunch. Two times Daddy P had to take her outside to orient her. He showed her the stars for the first time and she was fascinated by how they totally covered the entire sky. Overall, we didn't sleep. But frankly, we haven't been sleeping at home, and I have a hard time sleeping when we camp anyway, so we didn't feel like we LOST sleep, but we certainly don't have high expectations.

We got back home and Kate and Daddy P slept 2 hours and I took a three hour nap!

Overall... we'd go again! Although, with temperatures starting to soar we'll have to wait until the fall. We plan on staying for a few days next time so Kate gets to settle in to the idea of the tent and sleeping with company.

The slide at the park on-site

A water stop on our hike

Giving horsey some water

Playing in the dirt (Horsey went EVERYWHERE, and is now in the wash...)

Making sure Daddy puts his shoes on

Breakfast in bed!

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