Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Some of you may remember that Kate has not been napping for the nanny. All last week though she was taking a good solid morning nap, but refusing to go down for her in the afternoon.

Well, the nanny is off getting married this week so I thought it would be a great time to try to figure out what's happening. Friday she refused to nap in the afternoon. Saturday she napped in the morning, but refused the afternoon. So, I decided, let's do one nap and make it official so that when 3pm rolls around she isn't a miserable sad baby.

Sunday she resisted an afternoon nap, but took a short one. Monday her afternoon nap lasted 45 minutes. Yesterday it lasted 30 minutes.

As each day has passed she has also been getting up earlier and earlier and having more and more trouble going to sleep. Which means that ALL sleep is bad and decreasing, and I am getting more and more frustrated with not having a clue.

Today I decided to swing the other direction. She woke at 5:30am this morning and talked until 7am when I went in to get her. So, she must be tired, right? I put her down at 8:45am after a busy morning to tire her out.

As I type she is furiously banging on the crib railing.

Ah well. Maybe she'll settle...

Fingers crossed... I am hoping this is pre-walking sleep problems. This happened before she started crawling, and walking seems close, so I am just blaming that for now.

And I know I said no more house stuff, but... we're under contract on house #3 and hope to be keeping this one. :) Hopefully me saying that won't curse it. It's going to be a busy month! Hopefully the change and move won't be too hard on the baby. We're also going to be changing childcare all in the same month. Whew! Our friends we are nanny sharing with decided it was just not working out as they'd hoped, so we will be figuring out what that means for us in the next weeks.

Wait... the crib rocking ceased... could it be...?

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