Sunday, September 6, 2009

Belated 11 month pic

A picture from her 11 month day...

Compared to last month...

And of course... a retrospective:

Kate's been having fun playing with friends this weekend. Although she gets a little overeager sometimes and pats them too hard, or uses them as a stepping stool, in general she is a very good friend.

Here she is chasing her friend, Derek:

Reading with her friend Eleanor:

Today I think we finally nailed nap. She went up at 11am for her name routine, and was fast asleep by 11:30am. Next time we heard from her was 1:45pm! Excellent. And she made it through the evening pretty well. A little fussier than normal, but not like last week when the only nap she had ended at 10:45am, or when she decided to only sleep 30 minutes. Fingers crossed tomorrow will be as good!

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