Wednesday, September 9, 2009

She walks! (Three steps at a time)

Baby Kate has spent the last three days walking from Daddy P to me, and from me to Daddy P. She pretty much limits herself to three or four steps and then throws herself into our laps. I would call her "stable" necesarily, but she's definitely got the right idea.

Her use of her signs is broadening, too. Her auntie was impressed with her signing and insisted that we further impress her by teaching Kate more signs. I've been trying. I figure "cheese" is our next best bet since it is hands-down her favorite food. But tonight Kate realized that she can use them for different things. For example... she's been a little under the weather today, and was really ready for bed. She and Daddy P were reading a book while I listened. Kate's eyes were drooping. Suddenly she signs "all done" (which has only been used at dinner until tonight) and then when I asked "are you sleepy? time for bed?" she signed "sleep." So, we said goodnight, stuck her in the crib, and that was that.

A girl who knows what she wants.


Father said...

I also would like to know the sign for cheese.

Lauren said...

Way to go Kate! You got a smart one there guys :)