Saturday, August 29, 2009

In a routine

Quick house stuff and then no more house stuff on the blog... We canceled our contract yesterday. Paid for a lead inspection (the inspector told us only medical professionals usually ask for one because they're the only ones who see lead poisoning first hand. Well I've seen plenty of it when working in Hartford and was not going to let my little one go down that road.). We found out there was old chipping lead paint under the new paint job (which would be a problem in 1-2 years) and also throughout the yard. Which meant no living beings could go in the yard until it was taken care of. The only way to get rid of it was to dig it all out (and it's a huge yard) so we decided to tell the sellers we'd do all other repairs, but expected them to get rid of the lead. They said "no" so we canceled. Safe baby, and a few grand poorer, we're totally okay with the decision and ready to just stop looking for a while and go back to real life.

So this morning, baby Kate and Daddy P were downstairs getting coffee on and starting the morning. Daddy P went out the front door to dump the coffee grounds on the plants and when he turned around he saw baby Kate hightailing it to the front door. Apparently she had heard the door open and thought he was going to work because she was crawling at high speed and waving at him to tell him "goodbye"... A nice surprise that he came back in!

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