Sunday, August 9, 2009

Baby Love

Kate got some seriously loving on today at a baby shower. She was a hit with the hostess's 2 and 5 year olds who played with her and took care of her. They shared their toys, helped her to play with them, cuddled with her, taught her tricks. She had a blast!

And, my new favorite picture of Kate:

I've been trying my darnedest to get Kate on the video saying her version of "Elly" but I can't manage it. As soon as she sees the camera she goes for it so I'm going to have to surreptitious one of these days and just track her every move.

Other developments? Hm... First week of nanny sharing is this week, so hopefully all will go well and she will (fingers crossed!!) sleep in a strange place just fine for nap.

In other news, Daddy P and I have found two houses we like and are thinking we might make an offer on one of them soon... Daddy P needs to talk to his boss to check that we really can stay first... To be continued...

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