Friday, July 31, 2009

Pre-nap hyper

My child is not the child that gets calm and quiet when she's tired. Oh no. She's the one who gets silly-crazy-goofy which makes it all the harder to realize she's actually tired (and all the harder to get her to nap!).

We continue our teething woes. Or whatever is causing these woes. All I know is that my good little napper is gone. Gone gone gone. In her place is a wiggly, whiny, crying little girl who takes over an hour to go down and then sleeps for half the time she normally does. I used to depend on naps to get some work done but no longer. Now if I get a free moment from them I count my sweet blessings.

In fact, she's been SO bad about going down for her afternoon nap, that I am just making her skip it this afternoon so she can go to supervision with me. I am hoping she just crashes in the car on the way home. I'm going to take a book and scope out a nice covered, cool parking garage to hang out in while she finishes sleeping. If this idea fails, my back-up plan is to do a marketing sweep this afternoon with flyers and baby in a stroller and hope she sleeps then.

In other news... Daddy P is enjoying his new job and settling in. We are looking for a new house so that he has dedicated work-from-home space, but haven't found anything yet. I am slowly ramping up with clients. (Stress on slowly.) And, the nanny starts Monday! AND, the babysitter is coming Monday night for a date night babysit! She watched Kate on Wednesday while I saw a client, and although Kate was fussy Daddy P (who worked from home that day) said she seemed to handle it in stride.

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