Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Just Like Dad

On Daddy P's first day of work, we took him to Dunkin Donuts for coffee. Kate wanted some too! Kate and I explored the local malls and parks while Daddy P worked. NJ is green but not as pretty as CT, and the houses seem to swing from huge and mansion-like, to old and run down (which are still $350+K). It's a pretty area and everyone seems really nice. Princeton itself is very cutesy (if not a bit pretentious) but we could never afford to live there.

Today we're heading to CT to see some friends and hang out. Hopefully Kate will be kind to me on the long drive. She missed her morning nap so I am hoping that will translate into sleeping in the car rather than screaming because she's tired. Fingers crossed.

We have interviews set up for nannies next week. We're in a bit of a pinch to find someone quickly, unfortunately. Hopefully one of them will "wow" us and we'll be set.

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