Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Daddy's Girl and Nanny Troubles

Kate has decided she's a Daddy's girl. Daddy P was putting her down for a nap the other day and I offered to do it to give him a break. Well, Kate had other ideas. I took her and sat down in her chair and she started to cry and reach for the door where Daddy walked through.

So, back to Daddy she went.

We offered Nanny #2 a job. And never heard from her again.

Let me back up. Friday I call to ask a couple clarifying questions. No answer, no return call. I email. Nothin'. Saturday I call and finally get her. After talking to a friend, I decided it was important to clarify that she would be able to live on what we were offering her, which, frankly isn't much. $14 pre-tax for two babies. My cali friend was paying $12/hr for one post-tax, and my Chicago friend $14/hr for one post-tax, but it sounds like this is the Texas rate so we were going with it. But really, if she's single and this is her only job, it ain't enough to live on. I didn't want her to figure this out three months in and quit.

I bring this up and she pauses. I think I said, "I don't know if you're married or single, but Daddy P and I realize this isn't enough money to live on, and we want to make sure that you are comfortable with the wage and won't be looking for another job in a few months to compensate." Long pause. Then answers, oh, it's fine. I say, "oh, then you're hired!" She gets really excited, and thanks me, etc. I ask if she can start Monday, she says she needs a couple hours to think about it and will call me back.

No call Saturday.

Sunday afternoon I call and leave a message. No call.

Still! Tuesday! No call!

Sunday night we started the interview process again. Sadly.

Our second choice is really great and I love her, but our co-nanniers asked us to interview a few more to see if we could find someone who can work longer than just one year with us. We are doing two more interviews on Wednesday. We'll be offering SOMEONE the position AGAIN by the weekend. We've been so thankful for our friends who have been babysitting to get us through this crunch, and I'm so thankful to my flexible husband who's taking time off to babysit so I can go see clients and get my act together. Hopefully we'll get this all figured out soon!

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