Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

We rang in the New Year with lots of kids around. An early new year, but a happy one with friends.

We had a lovely time seeing the family, but are recovering from thorough exhaustion. Luckily, as soon as we returned to our own beds everyone started sleeping again (after a week of Kate not napping, and Jacob not sleeping at night). The circles under our eyes are starting to leave, and we are not as snippy as we've been. One more vacation day before returning to the real world. We are sorting through toys (some taking a break in the garage, others going to new homes) and putting away decorations.

Something about the end of decorations... so sad... but, soon we will herald in baseball season which always lifts the Mister's mood.

Happy 2012 everyone! Wishing you many moments of peace in your heart.
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