Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Working Backwards

Since I'm so behind, what is there to do but just go backwards.

Tonight we drove around and looked at Christmas lights.  Kate loved a few houses so much she and Daddy P got out to walk around.  It was adorable.

I went to the doctor today.  Saturday I went from feeling fine to within an hour throwing up.  Four days later, and still feeling shitty, I went to the doc.  Turns out I have vertigo.  Something about crystals in my ears acting like a snowglobe.  Whatever.  Apparently it's related to my migraines (because going blind isn't enough, but now I get to get intensely, fall-over dizzy once in a while and then so sick I throw up).  But, frankly, I was happy that he didn't say "tumor" or "pregnant" so we're all good.

Treatment, you ask?  I kid you not, the doctor said, go watch youtube videos and do the roll they tell you to.

It helped.  Hard to believe it, but it did.  Still there, so I'll try again tomorrow.  Doc said it shouldn't last more than a week at a time anyway, and we're creeping up on that timeline.

Coincidentally, Daddy P randomly had a fever two days ago.  For a while we assumed I had food poisoning, then the flu, and now... well, now I'm just dizzy I guess.  Daddy P never slowed down when he was "sick" -- I say "sick" because although he had a fever he was acting in good spirits and was more productive than he is when he's "well"!

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