Saturday, December 24, 2011


There was crazy excitement today over Santa. Well, and everything else. The day started with a fishing trip. Jacob and I hung back so pics and more on that later.  Then there was two hours of trying to get missy to calm down enough for a nap. Then a nap. Then making maple cookies for Santa.

Then we braved taking three kids to Mass. We were obviously from out of town. For one thing we were five shades paler than anyone else in the church. For another, we were dressed up while everyone else had on t shirts and shorts. Texans and Floridians don't mix I guess. Two kids fell asleep during the service and one was enormously patient (Kate) . Afterwards we came home, had the Griesemer traditional shrimp dinner, each kid opened a present each, and then two hours later they are finally asleep.

Kate kept telling me how excited she was Santa is coming. I just found out that Santa took a gift out of the box to fit it in the suitcase and didn't pack the instructions for assembly...this could be ugly...

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