Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ooooooh, Freak Out!

Kate and I were having a lovely Mom and Kate afternoon (see previous post).  We'd stopped at Walmart to get Daddy P some allergy medication and see if there were any cheap pants that fit Kate.  Standing at the counter, my phone rings and I (because I'm a loser who still doesn't know whether up or down means answer) answer my phone and then say "I'll call you back" and hang up to Paul since I'm mid-sentence with the pharmacist.  When I do call back I find out Jacob is a little pink and reacting to the formula Paul had given him. We had decided to try a bottle of formula to give me a break once a day.

I get a call back 10 minutes later that Paul is on his way to the ER because the swelling has gotten worse, and the nurse on call at the pediatrician's office said to take him to the ER immediately.

Paul got there and decided not to check in.  By then the swelling was mostly down and only some pink spots remained.  He still has a couple spots, but is doing fine.

We're under strict orders not to feed him anything besides breastmilk and to go the doctor asap this week.

A mama never gets a break...

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