Monday, February 7, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Kate's been home for nap the past four days.  Friday was a snowday, then the weekend, and then most Mondays I am off and we have a "Kate and Mom Day."  In those four days, she has taken at least a 2.25 hour nap, and today we just passed that mark and are going for 3 hours.  She sleeps on 45 minute cycles, has since she was an infant, and after 1.5 hours wakes up, sits up, looks around for 4 minutes, and then crashes out again.  Not always, but this past weekend that's been the trend.  You could see how if she did that at school she's just be up.  But, since there's no one playing in her room when she wakes up I guess she gives in to the need to rest and goes back to sleep.

What the heck is she going to do this week when she goes to school and goes back to their 1.5 hour naptime?

Poor kid, no wonder she was so freaking cranky last week.  She was tired!

It's been kinda nice, too, because when your toddler wakes up from nap at 3:30pm or 4pm instead of 2pm you get more evening out of it.  She's been less tired in the evening, and going to bed a little later, which means more dad and mom time in the evening which I love.  Ah, the joys of the stay-at-home kid: sleep!!

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