Thursday, May 7, 2009

Water Babies

Kate had her second swim class today and continues to be more interested in the babies than the water. Her least favorite part is floating because this requires her to stare up, not at babies. She refuses and crunches until her head is up enough to see what's going on. She's not sure about the arms since she doesn't really like splashing herself, but she enjoys underwater jumping almost as much as above ground jumping. The whole thing has made me realize two things: a) I don't like water babies classes, and b) My daughter is much more social than I and desperately needs to start childcare. Or am I projecting. But, I ignore "a" because she loves seeing her friend Derek so much that I cannot keep them apart.

We practiced with the sippy cup tonight. Elly learned an important lesson. Her former favorite space to sit while we eat -- directly next to and below Kate -- is not safe. The sippy cup came crashing inches from her head. She remained under the table for the rest of the meal...

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