Saturday, May 9, 2009

Separation Anxiety?

There is a debate in our household about Kate's nightwakings. Two weeks ago she began waking every few hours (about 2 hours). She cries for about a minute and then goes back to sleep. Rinse repeat. All night. Daddy P is good at sleeping through her cries but something is hardwired in me to shoot adrenaline and cortisol through my veins at the sound. I haven't slept well in a while now, needless to say, and am flabbergasted about what is happening. We thought she was teething, so we gave her Tylenol a few nights. When we did, she slept through the night without a hitch. But, we decided we couldn't do that all the time so now we're back to square one.

Daddy P thinks it is separation anxiety. She definitely is in that stage at daytime. She won't let me go around the corner anymore without bawling. If I pretend we're playing peek-a-boo that makes it okay for a bit, but not long enough to do much of anything. I have been perfecting my babywearing lately, and am very grateful for my sling right now.

Daddy P thinks that when she wakes in the night and realizes she's alone she freaks out and cries, and then grabs her horse and puts herself back to sleep. A reasonable theory, but I'm just a bit baffled by the Tylenol and why it would help. Maybe it makes her calmer and sleepier? Don't know. I'm stumped. In the meantime, I'm trying to learn to sleep through short cries. Bah humbug.

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